To make modifications for personal domain names, please click here. For all other domains, read on. These rules and procedures only apply when you want to modify a domain name record, for example, change a telephone number or replace a contact person.

If you want to modify the spelling of your domain name, you must register the name as a new domain name. Please see Registering a Domain Name. You must also delete the current domain name. Please see Deleting a Domain Name. A new registration fee will be charged; payments cannot be transferred. However, if you are modifying your domain name to reflect a legal name change, these rules and procedures apply.

If you want to transfer the domain name to another organisation, please see Transfering a Domain Name.

Domain name record modifications can only be done online.

Requests to make modifications can only be done by the Administrative Contact, the Technical Contact and/or Billing Contact as recorded in MYNIC's database.

Contact Persons need to enter the correct Username and Password to access the application form.

Application Processing

Modification requests by Contact Person(s), will be automatically up-dated by the system except where indicated.

  1. The modification requests below may only be done by the Administrative Contact:

    • Change of Password.

    • Appoint a new Administrative Contact, i.e. for him- or herself to be replaced by another person. The new Administrative Contact must be an employee of the same Registrant organisation, who is authorised to speak and contract on behalf of the Registrant, and/or

    • Appoint a New Billing Contact

    • Appoint a New Technical Contact

    • Appoint a new Invoicing Party

    • Modify the Administrative Contact record. Items that can be modified are first & last names, phone no., fax no. and e-mail address.

    • Modify the Registrant's record. Items that can be modified are address, phone no. and fax no.

      Non-automatic Updating
    • Modify Registrant's name. This request is to reflect a legal name change for companies registered under the Companies Act 2016, businesses registered under the Business Registration Act 1956, and societies registered under the Societies Act 1966. You must supply supporting documents to confirm your application.

  2. The modification requests below may only be done by the Technical Contact:

    • Change of Password

    • Modify Technical Contact record. This request is to change details of the current Technical Contact such as first & last names, address, phone no. and e-mail address, and/or

    • Change the primary/secondary name server. This request is to replace the registered primary/secondary name server with a new one, and/or

    • Add a secondary name server, and/or

    • Remove a secondary server.

      Non-automatic Updating
    • Modify the primary/secondary name server IP address. This request is to change the IP address of registered primary/secondary name server only.

  3. The modification requests below may only be done by the Billing Contact:

    • Change of Password

    • Modify Billing Contact Record. Items that can be modified are first & last names, address, phone no., fax no. and e-mail address.

    • Appoint a new Invoicing Party